






We hope you will like your voice…

“I don’t like my voice” “I feel insecure about my voice”

For you who are feeling those things.

Let’s practice together to find your own voice.

Especially for those who are called MtF (Born male and going through gender transition to female), voice is a very difficult issue. Once a person’s voice changes as a male and range drops to a lower level, you might feel difficult to raise it.

Research result have shown that person’s impression is based on their voice approximately 38%. It is considered an important element of trans (gender transition) and feminization to make a significant change in one’s visual image while taking care of one’s voice at the same time, which accounts for nearly 40% of one’s impressions.

ボイスレッスンのコツ:声を高くしたいVoice Lesson Tips: I want to raise my voice

ボイストレーニングを受講される方の中で最も多いお悩みの一つに「声を高くしたい」というご要望があります。 One of the most common requests among voice training students is “I want to raise my voice.”





Some people have a low voice complex and difficult to speak.

It is said that the average Japanese woman can produce a voice of approximately 220~350 Hz when expressed in frequency. Voice actresses who are active in animation and other forms of vocal expression often vocalize at frequencies above 400 Hz.

Otomejuku’s voice lessons stress the throat muscles and around there to enable high tone voice. In addition, we also train other parts of the body necessary to control vocal tone – for example, the abdomen, chest, shoulders, face, mouth area, and about 50 other muscles.

The position of the sound (nose and head) can also be changed, and the first step is to develop a sense of this area.

ボイスレッスンのコツ:声にとって、高さ以外に大切なもの Tips for voice lessons: What is important for the voice other than high tone voice?

声域を高く変えたとしても、それに伴う表現力が乏しい場合、不自然な印象になってしまいます。 Even if you change high tone voice, if you lack the expressive power to accompany it, it will sound unnatural.
















The voice is very sensitive, and there are several points that you need pay attention.

For example, accent, intonation, prominence, articulation, phrasing, pauses, rhythm, breath, and volume are the main elements of expressiveness in the voice.

In particular, the Japanese language has its own rules for correct pronunciation, pitch, strength, and weakness. These rules play a major role in conveying the correct meaning of words and expressing rich emotions.

Especially when speaking in an unfamiliar tone, the ability to express oneself is not up to the task often, and the overall pronunciation becomes unclear or not well controlled enough to be understood to other person. It is very important to follow the rules of expression even same words, and it is important to use different voices for different occasions and situations.

It may be easier to understand to speak of makeup and fashion. Let’s start by being aware of what voice suits you and how it balances with your appearance.

ボイスレッスンのコツ:必要な期間Tips for Voice Lessons: Required Timeframe

理想の声を手に入れるために、約3回〜6回程度で1レベルアップを一つの目安として挙げております。(全く話せない→挨拶程度の簡単な単語が話せるようになる→1時間程度の雑談ができるようになる)One of guideline is to improve one level in about 3 to 6 lessons in order to obtain your ideal voice.



However, it is important to practice repetitively at home or other places. For this reason, we will create and give you a training plan that you can easily do at home.

As you continue, we will be able to see the next step, and we will proceed with training according to your needs each time.

ボイスレッスンの概要Outline of Voice Lesson




45 minutes. We will take short breaks due to the muscle training of the vocal cords. We recommend to have something to drink, as it uses a lot of throat muscles.

The lesson is 60 minutes include preparation and clean-up.


11,000円(税込)/回 $200(lesson in Japanese) 〜 $500 (with translater) (tax included) per session

持ち物(推奨)What to bring (recommended)

飲料水Drinking water
筆記用具Writing utensils
スマートフォンなど録音可能な機械Smartphone or other recording device


レッスン時に録音して頂くことも可能です。ご自身の振り返り等にご使用くださいませ。 It is possible to record the lesson. Please use it for your own reflection.

レッスン形式Lesson format


よくあるご質問Frequently Asked Questions





Q. Will I be able to speak with a female voice?
A. It depends on the individual but in most cases, you will be able to live your daily life as a woman. It is not so difficult to produce a high range voice instantaneously but the key is to be able to produce it continuously for a long time.

Q.I have been watching lecture videos on the Internet about the female voice but I don’t understand them well. What should I do?
A. Since there is a great deal of individual variation in the voice, we believe that instruction from someone with specialized knowledge is effective. Also, in many cases, the videos that are available in the world are talking from a subjective point of view, and if they are not suitable for you, you may end up being even more confused.

Q.I am considering surgery on my vocal cords. How does that compare to voice training?
A.Recently, voice feminization surgeries are being performed in other countries (Korea,Thailand) as well as Japan. And in most cases, the more correct and knowledgeable hospitals perform the surgery and voice training as a set. (It is often done for about 2 years before and after the surgery.) Therefore, if you wish to have the surgery, Otome juku believes that it will be better if you have it in combination with voice training rather than choosing one or the other.

Q. I am concerned about splash prevention when it comes to voice.
A. Otomejuku uses transparent partitions so that students and teachers can see each other’s mouths also students and teachers can see each other without worry.

Of course, we are fully equipped with disinfectant alcohol (hand gel) and other disinfectant sets.

Q. I am embarrassed if others can hear my voice.
A. The Shimokitazawa studio that we offer many lessons is a soundproof room. You can speak your voice as much as you like in an isolated world. So, your voice will not reach other unrelated residents. If you still can’t speak in a girl’s voice…or are embarrassed to speak out, why don’t you free your mind a little bit?

講師についてAbout the Instructor

ボイス講師の西原さつきは声優学校出身です。またトランスジェンダーのミスコンMIQで特別賞を受賞しました。その後、NHKドラマ『女子的生活』、映画『ミッドナイトスワン』などでトランスジェンダー監修や役者への演技指導も務めました。芸能の世界では容姿に注目がいきますが、声やしぐさ、人間性など総合的な能力を求められます。 Voice instructor Satsuki Nishihara won a special prize at the transgender beauty contest MIQ. And then, She worked as a transgender supervisor for the NHK drama “Girlish Life” and the movie “Midnight Swan”. In this kind of entertainment world, attention is focused only on appearance but comprehensive abilities are required, including voice, gesture, and human qualities.



Satsuki Nishihara’s start was to speak in a female voice at home for all kinds of things, including television and product packaging. Even though she was not able to go out as a woman yet, her effort bear fruit today. In later years, she graduated from a school for voice actors. She is known not only voice, but also her acting, expressions, and gestures.

For a detailed profile, please click here.

メッセージ:自分の気持ちを表現しようMessage: Express your feelings

声と、人間の感情は連動しています。Voice and human emotions are linked.



When people feel elated, their voices become louder and higher. Conversely, when we are feeling gloomy, our voice becomes quieter and lower. In addition, people who have suppressed themselves for a long time have developed the habit of suppressing their voice and emotions.

Voice lessons are not only the voice but also include “emotional release” training which is a training method often used in the field of acting. This is one of the most common training methods used in the field of acting. Let us help you gain a variety of experiences and meet a new of you.
